Launch of “Lez Zorganes”, a French TikTok cartoon video campaign to promote organ donation among young people

A 2023 survey by the French Agence de la Biomédecine (Agency for Biomedicine) has found that 79% of 16-24 year-olds felt uninformed about organ donation. To address this, a new digital campaign has been launched, targeting young people in a lighthearted and engaging manner to provide information about organ donation without the heaviness typically associated with the topic.

“Les Zorganes” is a series of 8 mini cartoons, each lasting 30 to 40 seconds, that brings together an incredible lineup of voices, including some of France’s most influential personalities. The series features voiceovers by Natoo, a prominent influencer, along with the successful YouTuber Guizzi. Joining them are Dorothée Pousseo, known for her French voice acting of Margot Robbie, and the renowned twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen and Padg and Prinque, two influencers who specialize in dubbing and have a significant following on social media, particularly on TikTok.

The campaign utilizes humorous and animated content that avoids depicting death or realistic organs. Instead, it focuses on the generosity of organ donation and the ability to pass on life. With the slogan “Even in the event of misfortune, life goes on,” the campaign aims to normalize organ donation as a topic of conversation to be shared with loved ones.

The mini cartoons have already had a huge amount of views; many are over 1 million and one in particular has had 4 million views.

Read more at this link on the the Agence de la Biomédicine website

You can also download all the films from this link

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