“Exploring pulmonary hypertension with Kiki the Koala”, a new booklet to help children understand and come to terms with their pulmonary hypertension – by realising just how special they are

“Exploring PH with KiKi the Koala” has been written and designed by 22-year-old Maryam, who was inspired by her little sister Fatima’s experiences with pulmonary hypertension. The book is aimed at children aged around three to nine. Readers can follow KiKi’s journey through learning how to cope with pulmonary hypertension and learning just how special KiKi is – just as they are too. Maryam says KiKi is essentially Fatima in a koala bear. She chose a koala as the main character because people think koalas are bears but they’re actually marsupials. That made her think of children with PH; just because they may look happy and healthy, it doesn’t tell the full story. It’s not always what you see on the surface, there can sometimes be more.

The Pulmonary Hypertension association PHA UK has covered the print and production costs to allow as many families as possible to benefit from this unique publication.

Read the full story of Maryam and her little sister Fatima, who was diagnosed at age five, at this link on the PHA UK’ sister website “Focus on Lifestyle”

Order your free copy (UK only) at this link

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